Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BCS Location: CACF Presentation

On Monday, CACF presented a decision process for a new location for BCS. They've evaluated ~20 options and seem to have had a very good discussion internally, some of which they shared with the Board on Monday night.

They presented a matrix that analyzes the categories of outcomes. They've intentionally left the discussion open (eg. acquire land) rather than list a specific location (e.g. buy part of the Sears site and build a new campus). This will allow us to evaluate teh pros and cons of different approaches before people start reacting to a specific site.

I want to thank the members of the committee for their work so far. The team was made up of CACF members, including one BCS Board member. I personally felt that we had a good mix of folks involved in that process. Resolving this issue is going to create some difficult decisions, but it's good to have the process underway.

I have posted the document here for anyone who would like to see it.