Darn it! I wish Sacramento would just keep their darn hands off local Districts. In the latest affront to common sense, Gov. Moonbeam has passed a law that will require Districts to cap our reserves at 10% of revenues. (article)
For those not familiar with the nuances of school funding, we are required by law to have a reserve of 3% of our annual revenue. It's prudent to require that local districts have some amount of cushion that we can draw upon when times get lean. But what genius thought it was a good idea to cap that reserve? If we could squirrel away a larger reserve (say, 15% or 20%) and then guarantee that we wouldn't have to issue a single pink slip in a big recession, wouldn't that be a GOOD idea? The article says some districts have reserves of 30%-50%. I challenge lawmakers to show us one district with over 1000 students that has that kind of reserve. LASD has 11% reserves, and we're considered very fortunate.
Unfortunately, this seems to be the Governor's way of buying political support. At a state level, the CTA continues to press to minimize reserves because the most logical way a district spends reserves is on salary. By forcing districts to spend reserves, it helps the CTA membership, who in turn support Gov. Brown. Nice trick, Jerry.
Now, I want to be clear. I supported our recent pay raise for our teachers because it was the right thing to do. They've worked very hard and have implemented a first class program that is achieving great results. In negotiations, our particular teachers really do have a sense of cooperation with us. But at a state level, the CTA and Jerry are just nuts.
PS: The rationale behind all of this is that the State is going to carry reserves to make sure we don't need as much in our safety net. That's great- except that the State has consistently raided the Prop 98 guaranteed funding we are supposed to receive.