Tuesday, July 3, 2012

BCS 2012-13 Lawsuit

Over the past ~6 months, I've been pretty quiet on this blog.  As we worked through negotiations with BCS, I was trying very hard not to disrupt those negotiations, and to give the process the space it needed to work.  Sadly, as most of you know, those negotiations have proven unsuccessful.  BCS seems unwilling to accept the idea that the larger public needs to be involved in this process.  As an elected trustee, that simply isn't a position I can accept.

Yesterday BCS filed the court papers for their lawsuit contesting the 2012-13 facilities offer.  Ironically, they've made reference to "Groundhog Day"- the idea that the 2012-13 offer is the same as we've offered in the past, and asked the courts to rule that our offer is inadequate.  The only thing I see about this situation that references "Groundhog Day" is BCS's behavior.   It is BCS, not the District, who continues to drag this issue into court.  In this case, they've used the 2009-10 lawsuit as an umbrella to litigate the 2012-13 lawsuit.  It is very unfortunate for our community.  I can't reconcile the idea that BCS, formed because the District closed a high performing school, now seeks to close another high performing school to further their own goals at the expense of other students.

For obvious reasons, I'm not going to get into the District's legal position here.  Our court filings will make our position clear enough in due time.  Sufice it to say I'm deeply saddened by the current situation, but that I will not cast aside the needs of 4,500 LASD students to create a special preference for the 450 BCS students.

I have posted the BCS court filings here for those who are interested.

Motions and Proposed Oder
Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel
Motion to Compel
Proposed Order

A Eyering Decl.
D Spector Decl
A Gonzalez Decl
K Moore Decl
J Medlin Decl
W Heresey Decl