Monday, May 11, 2009

Please Vote - and vote YES

The Superintendent's office sent out an update last week talking about the upcoming eelction. I think they've done a good job of telling folks about hte election, yet complying with the state law that prohibits them from taking a postion on the election itself. No such state law constrains me, so I'm going to be more direct.

Please Vote "YES" in the May 19 Election for all measures.

Even better, vote YES and get a few friends to vote YES also.

To be really clear, I'm a fiscal conservative and I don't like seeing taxes raised. However, without these ballot measures, our schools will suffer further revenue cuts, which means we'll lose more teachers. We simply can't afford the cuts.

The upside, if you're conservative like me, is that the ballot measures also create a reserve fund, which will help balance out the swings in state finances such as this one. It's about time we did that.

I normally wouldn't bother to tell folks about an election I'm pretty sure they'd support, but statewide polls show the ballot measures are in trouble. We need to get people out to the polls, and voting yes. Mail-in elections typically favor conservatives, which is putting pressure on the measures. Please, PLEASE find the time to vote in this important election.

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