Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day Back + Attorney's Fees

First and foremost, WELCOME BACK!  Our students return this morning, and that is fantastic news.  One of our principals told me with great certainty this morning , “this is going to be a exceptional year.”  I have every confidence that she is correct.  Our staff is ready, we have exciting new programs in place, teachers have been trained, and we get to serve some of the finest students in the nation.   We are all very fortunate to be part of the Los Altos School District.  Many thanks to the staff, administration, and parents who make this the special place that it is.

(and in other news...)
There are so many moving parts in the litigation saga, sometimes it’s hard to keep them all straight.  The primary thread continues forward on schedule-  We have a hearing set for Aug 30 with Judge Lucas on the BCS motion disputing the 2012-13 facilities, and the District’s cross motion regarding the semi-private nature of the BCS program.  Separately (but in parallel) there is the fee motion that BCS has filed, demanding that the district pay their $1.3m legal bill.  (Link to original post here).   The schedules would have had these two hearings just one day apart, which was a logistical challenge for the District.  More importantly, though, LASD has served discovery on BCS, meaning we’re asking them various questions that pertain to how we will respond to their claim for fees.  BCS has so far refused to answer discovery, so we first need to have a hearing with Judge Lucas to compel them to answer the questions we’ve provided. 

All of this means that trying to hold the hearing for BCS attorney fees right now would be crazy.  Fortunately, this morning Judge Lucas agreed with the LASD attorneys and has postponed the attorney fee hearing.  We have a conference call with the judge schedule to resolve the question of whether BCS will be compelled to answer the discovery, so that will be our next step in this ordeal.

I will update this post later today to include both the LASD filings as well as the BCS filings with respect to the attorney fees.