Thursday, August 23, 2012

LASD and BCS Attorney Fee Filings

I promised I would post the LASD and BCS paperwork from the motion to change the date of the Attorney Fee hearing.

By way of a quick summary, a timeline:

February 2012:
BCS began threatening that they wanted to collect attorney fees.

March 2012-June 2012:
BCS requested delays in their filing deadline.  LASD was asked, and agreed to allow BCS to extend the time they had to file such a motion. 

July 2012:
BCS files actual demand for $1.3M in fees.

Aug 2012:
LASD filed discovery to understand the fee demands. BCS has refused to answer the discovery.  LASD asked for an extension of when we would respond, so that we can resolve the discovery issue and so that the fee motion doesn't coincide with the hearing on the 2012-13 case.  BCS is opposed the District request, which is why we went to court yesterday. 

22 Aug 2012:  
Judge Lucas grants LASD request for extension, and sets a teleconference to discuss discovery motion.

LASD Filings:
LASD Application to Extend Deadline
LASD Proposed Order

BCS Opposition
BCS Motion Opposing
Brickman Decl.
Brickman Decl Ex 1
Brickman Decl Ex 2
Brickman Decl Ex 3
Brickman Decl Ex 4
Brickman Decl Ex 5
BCS Proposed Order 

Court Response
Judge's Final Order